Meet the Jennings…and while you do so, please stop to say a prayer for them! They are apart of my church family. Keith is now gone from home for around 18 months for Army training down in Texas, which is pretty far from Indianapolis. His lovely wife, Ashley, is holding down the fort here and missing him like crazy. I took these photos shortly before Keith left the state. Aren’t their boys adorable?!
Keith & Ashley, I hope and pray these photos will uplift you while you’re apart and help you to see the love and joy present in your family. In hard moments, may these photos help you to “dance in the rain.” That’s the heart of my photography. I pray that on difficult days the families I photograph will be reminded there is good to celebrate and each time they see the photos of them enjoying each other they will smile. Jennings, you are being prayed for during this challenge…and you are not alone! Keep pursuing awesome!!! 🙂
Best outtakes (lol!!)…
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