I love being a family and children photographer! I have had the pleasure of photographing sweet Harper since she was born. This is her around 18 months old. It’s been fun watching her grow! This session she was totally on the move walking and doing her own thing. She cracked me up with her funny expressions! Oh and I just… Read More
Graham Family – Carmel Family Photographer
I’m pretty sure this was one of the hottest and most humid days of the summer, but the Grahams were amazing nonetheless! This family photo session took place in Carmel, IN. I pretty much looked like I had just gone swimming afterwards because I was covered in so much sweat, but if you see the final product below, I’d say… Read More
Ryleigh is 4 – Carmel Family Photographer
Here is another family I have been photographing since before Ryleigh was born. Now she is four! How do I get so lucky to have such amazing clients?! I absolutely love this family, too! The Bakers and I have done around 10 photo sessions together over the years (I’d have to try hard to count them all!!) and I just… Read More
Princess Avery is 3! – Indianapolis Family Photographer
Happy 3rd Birthday, Avery! This little doll is all sugar and spice. She stole my heart with her infectious personality and joyful spirit. She reminded me why I love being a children photographer so much. I just love photographing kids! We were immediate friends, and even better friends when I shared a strawberry with her. 😉 I loved watching her… Read More
Kondrat Family {Carmel Family Photographer}
The Kondrats were an absolute blast to photograph. This was their first time ever having professional photos taken and I just love how chill Mom and Dad were. They stepped back and were relaxed and so willing to engage when invited. It brought me great joy that they were willing to be playful and loving in front of my camera!… Read More